Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rewrites Galore

So I wrote a query letter to see if I had any major plot holes in Belle and the Beast.

SURPRISE! I do! So now I have to change several things, and am currently editing/rewriting the entire manuscript. I've made some progress, but I still have A LONG way to go before I submit to publishers.

Among the changes I've made is changing Belle's name to Isabelle and Jesse to Tristan. I also think I'm going to have one of Isabelle's cousins be nice and try to help out Isabelle in the end. Speaking of the end, I have to completely rework that. I've written the ending scene several times, and I still have some major work to do on the opening.

Yet I know I can somehow manage.

So what's your advice on rewriting/editing/dealing with huge plot holes? How do you defeat those moments of despair?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Change in Me

While I was at Disney World -- aka the Happiest Place on Earth -- I came across this humorous blog on the controversial book, 50 Shades of Grey (the gifs are hilarious).

Now I know that Christian Grey and my Tristan Sinclair--aka the Beast--are polar opposites, but this woman's comments on change got me thinking.

(A dangerous pass-time, I know)

I agree with her statement that you cannot change a person. If you are romantically involved with a "tragic soul" you cannot make him become a Prince Charming by "giving him love." You should also not get involved with someone who is emotionally, physically, or verbally abusive. You cannot make these people "see the light."

However, I do think people can change for the better, it just has to come from within them. They have to see they were wrong, and they have to go about making amends. That's why in Belle and the Beast, I did the point of view of both main characters. Tristan is a complete jerk at the beginning, but after meeting Belle, he is inspired to change. He realizes his errors, and Belle doesn't go about trying to change him. Even at the end of the story, Tristan still has a bit of a temper. He's nicer, but by no means perfect.

I brought this point up in my "Draco Malfoy in Leather Pants" post. It seems that there is a trend of having the bad—and slightly abusive—guy become the love interest. You could argue that I fall into this category as well, but I like to think the Beast is different. After he is transformed into a monster--even in the original fairytale--he is kind to Belle.

So what are your thoughts? Can people change for the better?