Saturday, November 3, 2012

I need a Hero

“Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life” –Easy A

So, amazingly enough this sparked a bit of controversy amongst my friends on Facebook. However, I think it still has merit in today’s society especially after hearing about books such as Twilight, Fifty Shades of Grey, Hush, Hush, and that Beautiful Disasters.

I haven’t read any of the mentioned material above, nor plan to. I’m really not into vampires or erotica, but what bothers me about these books are the supposed “heroes”.

From what I understand, they’re anything but. Edward rips out Bella’s car engine because she wants to see her friend Jacob.

Um...on what planet is that okay? That’s psychotic not to mention expensive to replace said car engine.

From what I’ve seen in the movies, Bella’s dad is the only rational human-being in all of Forks.

In Fifty Shades, Christian controls Anastasia, hits her, and is basically a jerk to her throughout the entire book. Not to mention he says some pretty horrible things to her. If a guy ever told me he liked to have sex with girls who looked like his mother, I would run away and probably pull out my mace.

I just want to know what happened to the good guys. What happened to the sweet, good natured guys like Laurie from Little Women, (who I have a serious crush on) or Teddy Cutting from The Luxe Series? What happened to the boys who made you smile like dear Rudy Steiner from The Book Thief?

Girls don’t need a strong, muscular “badass”. Well, at least I don’t. I think to make a relationship work you need someone reliable; someone who will be for you no matter. I also think it’s important to find someone who can make you smile, and when you’re having a bad day, he can lift your spirits.

I don’t think I’m asking much in that more YA guys be like that, or even in real life. I think the sweet, good-natured “good guy” should just get a lot more credit...and the girl.
 Jim Haplert, Champion of the Friend Zone


Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm still here

Hey, ya'll. It's been awhile since I've posted on here so I thought I'd write one.

I'm still breathing and plugging away at Belle and the Beast which has been re-named Isabelle and the Beast.

Besides changing the main characters' names, I've made a few changes to my work, and am hoping it's all for the better.

School is also going well (knock on wood), but I have my midterms coming up. I'm really worried about my Europe-Under-Hitler's-Shadow class/exam, but hopefully I've studied enough and will get an A.

Anyway, that's all for now.

I hope everyone else has met with success in their writing-adventures.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rewrites Galore

So I wrote a query letter to see if I had any major plot holes in Belle and the Beast.

SURPRISE! I do! So now I have to change several things, and am currently editing/rewriting the entire manuscript. I've made some progress, but I still have A LONG way to go before I submit to publishers.

Among the changes I've made is changing Belle's name to Isabelle and Jesse to Tristan. I also think I'm going to have one of Isabelle's cousins be nice and try to help out Isabelle in the end. Speaking of the end, I have to completely rework that. I've written the ending scene several times, and I still have some major work to do on the opening.

Yet I know I can somehow manage.

So what's your advice on rewriting/editing/dealing with huge plot holes? How do you defeat those moments of despair?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Change in Me

While I was at Disney World -- aka the Happiest Place on Earth -- I came across this humorous blog on the controversial book, 50 Shades of Grey (the gifs are hilarious).

Now I know that Christian Grey and my Tristan Sinclair--aka the Beast--are polar opposites, but this woman's comments on change got me thinking.

(A dangerous pass-time, I know)

I agree with her statement that you cannot change a person. If you are romantically involved with a "tragic soul" you cannot make him become a Prince Charming by "giving him love." You should also not get involved with someone who is emotionally, physically, or verbally abusive. You cannot make these people "see the light."

However, I do think people can change for the better, it just has to come from within them. They have to see they were wrong, and they have to go about making amends. That's why in Belle and the Beast, I did the point of view of both main characters. Tristan is a complete jerk at the beginning, but after meeting Belle, he is inspired to change. He realizes his errors, and Belle doesn't go about trying to change him. Even at the end of the story, Tristan still has a bit of a temper. He's nicer, but by no means perfect.

I brought this point up in my "Draco Malfoy in Leather Pants" post. It seems that there is a trend of having the bad—and slightly abusive—guy become the love interest. You could argue that I fall into this category as well, but I like to think the Beast is different. After he is transformed into a monster--even in the original fairytale--he is kind to Belle.

So what are your thoughts? Can people change for the better?


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Marmees or lack thereof

As I submerge myself in YA fiction--and even in a lot of adult fiction as well--I can't help but notice there is a lack of parental focus. Either the parent has died, absent from the YA's life in some way, or is a complete jerk. I know not everyone is blessed with the same fabulous parents and sister I have, but it makes me sad to see such underdeveloped characters in YA, and like I said sometimes in even regular fiction. Even though I'm traveling the road of adulthood and live two hours away, (or I will again this fall) my parents still play a such role in my life.

I get texts from my dad every week, and whenever I start to panic, I immediatly call my mom. Their advice is important to me along with their respect. While they don't govern me, their opinion still does matter. However, I'm noticing a lot of YA MCs just don't care about their parents.

 I've always loved the character Marmee in Little Women. While she is somewhat of a saintly figure, she is always giving the girls advice and helps guide them through their journeys. Sadly, I haven't seen a lot of characters like her in popular fiction aside from Mrs. Weasley in the Harry Potter series. She was also more spunky then Mrs. March, but I still loved her.

Dads are also another character--and important figure in their daughter's lives--who are often overlooked. Even the good ones--like Bella's dad in the Twilight--come across as "bad" because they are being over-protective. Frankly, I wouldn't want my daughter to marry a 100+ year old vampire or have his child which could fatally harm her, but I digress.

I would like to see more strong relationships between MCs and their parents. The mom or dad don't have to be perfect, but just real. They can offer their advice, give their opinion, and even show general concern for their child without being "typical, jerk dad/mom."

Why do you think we don't see alot of good parental figures in YA any more?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Draco Malfoy in Leather Pants

So I can't even remember how I came across this phrase, but apparently it refers to a bad boy gone good. Fangirls take a normally sadistic villian--like Mr. Malfoy--and twist him into a good guy.

I don't read any fanfiction, but as most of you know, my story that I'm working on is a retelling of the classic, Beauty and the Beast. In that story, as you all know, there is a spoiled prince who gets what is coming to him and is turned into the monster. The only way he can be freed is to be loved by another.

Draco Malfoy, as they saw in A Very Potter Musical, is a little shit.

However, he's not the worst of the Harry Potter Villians. Personally, if I had a chance to take one out, it would be Umbridge, but I digress. I feel like at the end of the Harry Potter series that Draco has changed. He's seen the error of the ways and maybe even feels terrible for joining in with the Death Eaters. He was taught from an early age to hate and fear muggles and mudbloods and sadly had a crappy father that he looked up to.

I see a lot of similarities between my Beast--another spoiled rich kid--and Draco. Both grow up in societies where racism is tolerated, even expected, yet they come out on the other side. However, can people really change? Food for thought.

I'm a firm believer that people can change for the better, but it has to come from within. I was very careful in showing that Jesse/Beast changed on his own. He saw the error of his ways and what he needed to do to fix his situation. Perhaps Draco did as well.

Anyways, I'm just afraid people will think I took this terrible guy and made him into Prince Charming.

Harry Potter/Gone with the Wind reference for your viewing pleasure.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Where do I go from here?

So I know I have to do tons and tons of editing on Belle and the Beast so that should keep me occupied for awhile. However, I also want to work on another story. I just don't know which one?

I have an idea on a retelling of The Little Mermaid that's fully fleshed out. I just don't get excited about it like I was about Belle and the Beast. I've heard the time period I want to sell it in--Civil War/Victorian--isn't selling well which makes me really sad. (I would have thought that would be selling like hot cakes because it's the 150 anniversary). Anywho, I also have an idea on a retelling of the famous Legend of Sleepy Hollow. But it's just a faint sketch.

*Sigh* I'm rather unsure of what to do next. I really wanted to take advantage of the week I have off in July and write at the beach.

Any thoughts or helpful advice?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Up on AW

Okay, so I posted the first scene up on AW under Young Adult SYW. Maybe someone will take a look at it. :D Happy writing to all.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


So after three months and 5 days, I finished Belle and the Beast!

I've finished other WIP before, but I think--and I hope--this one might be the one.

I was listening to Far Longer Than Forever from the Swan Princess--maybe some of you will remember that movie--while I was typing up the final scene, and I couldn't help but smile. I feel rather accomplished and I hope this is only the beginning of better things to come.

Maybe one day I will see my work up on Amazon or even in a Barnes and Noble store (if there are any left when this gets published.) I know I have a long road to go before I even consider an agent and have lots of editing to do, but I can tell this is going to be an exciting journey.

Here's to dreaming.

Never Stop Dreaming

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Almost There

(Yet another Disney reference, I know I'm a bit obsessed.)

Anyway, I'm very close to completeing Belle and the Beast. I have to finish the ending and add in a couple more scenes, but for the most part I'm almost done!

Which is great, but also sad.

As Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite stories, it will be sad to leave these characters. I mean I have a long way to go before I get this published and I'll have more time to work with them, but when they are out in the world, I shall miss them.

I've been writing for a while, and I've never had this happen. I'm going to take it as I'm growing as a writer and am making my characters stronger. I hope it will be recieved well and am excited--but also nervous--about submitting my work to AW. I know I need to and the people on those boards are great, but also very honest. Which can be good, and then not so good. I know my opening scene needs work desperatly so it will be a couple of days before I post on there, but I'll let ya'll know when I do.

I hope everyone else's summer is going well. There have been a few bumps in the road in mine, but for the most part I'm pulling through. However, I'm looking forward to school in the fall.

Bye for now and happy writing everbody!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Happily Ever Afters?

So I’m nearing the end of my WIP, Belle and the Beast. I was pretty sure I had the ending worked out where the Beast was transformed back into a man after being shot by an angry mob. He and Belle were going to move to Philadelphia to work as abolitionists while the Beast’s former slaves were set free.
Perhaps it had a little bit of a Disney-type happily ever after, but I was nonetheless pleased with it.  
Pinned Image

Then I went on my walk. As I was listening to the soundtrack to Disney's Beauty and the Beast, I was thinking again about my own ending to this "tale as old as time." It hit me that my ending might just be too perfect. All of the good-guys get to live happily ever after. The Beast is transformed, Belle gets to go back up North, and some slaves get a shot at freedom. What's not to love, right?

I am beginning to think that my ending is too perfect. It's too much like a children's cartoon, and the thought is scaring me.

I don't want to kill anyone off.

I love a lot of my characters and don't want them to die. I have Walter, Phoebe, and Mariah, a slave family who was once owned by the Beast. I don't want to break the family apart by killing off Walter or Phoebe as I can't bring myself to kill off a little girl.

Then I thought about killing off another slave, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Alot of Young Adult Fiction seems to have Happily Ever Afters. The books that I've read that aren't a part of a trilogy usually have everyone living and fulfilling their dreams.

So what do you think I should do and what do you think of Happily Ever Afters?


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Love Interests in YA and Beyond.

So I've been hard at work on my retelling of the classic fairy-tale, Beauty and the Beast. So far so good and I'm REALLY REALLY hoping that this may be the break the spell (okay sorry I just had to do that. I have to make at least one Disney reference)

Anyways, I like the way I've written Belle and the Beast...for the most part. I worry about everything so naturally I'm worried that I've made the Beast too whinny and Belle too stubborn and set in her ways. The story is about people--and Beasts--changing which creates an entirely different problem all together.

As most of you are aware, the Beast has to become kinder and gentler in order to win Belle's affections. He was a jerk before and struggles with maintaining his temper. Also, I know a lot of readers don't like the fact that he keeps Belle prisoner in his castle, and I'm also trying to remedy this problem as well. I've made where Belle was given a choice to go, and the Beast stresses that she must come on her own. However, I digress

Back to the problem at hand. I'm liking the Beast for the most part, but there are a few flaws as in every human and animal. I've decided to make a list of all of the YA love interests and main characters that I like and reasons why to help me better form his own character.

Who are your favorite heroes and heroines YA/or anything?

First and foremost, I love Laurie in Little Women. He was funny, sweet, and seemed like a real person. He had some temper problems and Jo chides him on his drinking and gambling, but all in all, I could see myself with that kind of guy. The fact that he is played by Christian Bale in the 1998 film doesn't hurt either. :D

I also like Jo and Meg from the same novel. I can relate to both. I write like Jo and have her temper, but I can also be shy and I care so much about what people think of me like Meg.

I was also a fan of Teddy Cutting in the captivating Luxe series. Again, another sweet and reliable guy who I instantly fell in love with. He was always there for his gal even when she got knocked up by the stable boy and ran off to California.

Another man I swoon over is Jane Austen's Henry Tilney from Northanger Abbey. He put up with Catherine's delusional nonesense--even though she was kind of right about his dad--and knew ever so much about muslin. ;) He wasn't over the top or Mr. Suave, but just a down-to-earth fellow who could be entrusted with the purchase of a gown.


 (Apparently he was played by Wishbone in an episode of Wishbone. I need to see it...NOW!)

I can't think of any more right now and I'm DYING to get outside and enjoy this beautiful day, but let me know who your favorites are and why.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Beauties, Beasts, and Prince Charmings

Hello all,

Sorry I haven't posted here in awhile but this semester has been REALLY stressful. I'm finally giving myself some downtime to write a new entry.

I'm working on my story Belle and the Beast. This tale is set in New Orelans during the 1830s, just after the Nat Turner Rebellion in Virginia. The Beast, Jesse Sinclair, is a cruel master until one night when his slaves give a runaway some shelter. Little does he knew that she's really in an enchantress.

Belle, meanwhile, is an abolitionist fresh from Philadelphia to New Orleans. She finds the idea of slavery revolting, and when she is taken to see the Beast, her goal is to runaway, taking his slaves with him. However, love is a funny thing...

Anyways, that was a brief synopsis of my new story.

While writing this story, I've been questioning the whole "Prince Charming" aspect that we find so often in stories.

Whether it's in fairy-tales where he's a suave prince or in an teen-angst book where he is a sparkling vampire. Basically, the idea of the perfect man.

I've even noticed some of this Price Charming-syndrom the Hunger Games. Peeta seems almost too good to be true.

Anyways, it's just made me hope that I haven't created a picture-perfect love interest, because, let's face it, no one is perfect.

I don't really have a point, but I'm thinking about bringing it back up in the AW fourms sometime soon.

However, do you think there are too many Prince Charmings in stories these days?

 "I was raised to be charming, not sincere" Cinderella's Prince from Into the Woods.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

On to Bigger and Better things...I hope

So I think I've decided to trunk THE TORY'S DAUGHTER and YANKEE BELLE. I think the basic idea of both of these novels are good, but they just need to be enhanced more.

I think I might give YA another try with a retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

It's a little discouraging knowing that something I've worked so hard on for the past year will be pushed aside. I'm not deleting the document, or completely giving up in the story, but I think both need to be rewritten entirely if I ever want to be able to sell them.

Anyways, I hope I'm on to some better things and am looking forward to starting my next story.

In the spirit of Disney--the versions of the fairytales I grew up with--I leave these two quotes.

Also, the semester is going surprisingly well. No roommate drama again!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Historical Dorkiness

I am a dork. While most of my college peers were out getting drunk and doing God only knows what else this Friday night, I was already in my PJs by 9 and engrossed in a book about the Irish in the 1800s.

I was researching for my story, but I'm not going to lie, I'm glad I have that excuse to learn such fasinating things. However, telling people I write might make me only seem like that much of a nerd.

Now it's not even 8 yet--and its a Saturday night--and I'm back in the PJs.

Please tell me I'm not a sad human being lol...I promise I really do have a life, just apparently not an exciting one. I guess I'll just have to leave that to the page. :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Feeling a Little Homesick

I've only been in school one week, and already I miss home.

My parents came into town to celebrate my dad's birthday. We had fun going to two Civil War battle sites, dinner at Outback Steakhouse, and finished the night with some Dunkin Donuts.

I literally said good-bye to them an hour ago, and already I miss them terribly.

I don't have this really intense longing for home, but I'm already looking forward to summer. I'm just not that enthusastic about this semester. :(

I know this sounds stupid, but there are no cute/interesting/nice guys in any of my classes. I was kind of hoping I'd meet someone in my American History class, thinking we could bond over talks of the American Revolution or something. I know, I'm terribly sappy.

Anyways, my roommates and friends are all busy and I can't look at my geology book anymore. *Sigh* I just want to go home and be with my family.

What helps you get through hard times like this?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Historical Fiction Market

I have finished writing The Tory's Daughter and making numerous revisions on it while I'm ankle-deep in writing Yankee Belle.

I've had a few people say--well, mainly one--that the historical fiction market isn't really selling well. I wrote a thread about it on Aboslute Writer Water Cooler, but was a little confused by some of the responses.

Is historical fiction not selling well? Everytime I go into a bookstore, there seems to be a new historical fiction book with the words New York Times Bestseller printed on top of the cover. So naturally, I'm a little unsure of what to believe. It seems to be selling well, but now people are saying that it's not.

Can anyone tell me what's going on? Also, is anyone else writing in a genre that might not necessarily be "hot?"
